The packaging service solves various issues related to the product or products. Packaging includes different divisions of labour:
packaging magazines and books
assembling and packaging campaign materials
assembling promotional materials
packaging filming, thermoforming, film packaging
bundling and packaging gift cards, cinema tickets, etc.
labelling and marking of products
special packaging solutions
assembling and packaging products with content materials
The list could go on and on, all the topics and projects involving packaging are so different and Pakenditööstus OÜ always takes this into account.

Pakenditööstus OÜ offers a wide range of packaging, boxes, paper bags, packaging envelopes and pallets. In addition to a large printing production, Pakenditööstus OÜ is also the owner of a new warehouse with great facilities. We have a wide range of warehouse services and e-shop support services.
Read more about packaging materials and packaging in Pakenditööstus OÜ's blog.
Be sure to check out the Pakenditindustrie YouTube channel.
Also visit the website of Pakenditööstus OÜ's subsidiary Pakendi OÜ.
Get in touch and discover how Pakenditööstus OÜ can help you stand out through packaging!